Putt Percent

Also Known As: One Putt Percent, Percent if Happens (Putts), Three Putt Percent

Putt Percent is a group of statistics that shows the number of putts to hole out as a percentage of the total putts (by hole) included in a report.

Consider the following data for a 9 hole round:

Holes > 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Total
Putts Per Hole > 2 2 3 2 1 3 2 3 1 19

This gives us a Putt Percent of:

  Putt Percent  
One Putts 22% (2 holes with 1 putt ÷ 9 total holes)
Two Putts 44% (4 holes with 2 putts ÷ 9 total holes)
Three Putts 33% (3 holes with 3 putts ÷ 9 total holes)

Putt Percent can be found on:

  • the Dashboard - in the Putting & Scrambling section
  • Putting Report - in the Overall Putting section under the column heading Percent it Happens and in the Putt Distance section under the column headings One Putt Percent and Three Putt Percent (two putts are not included here)

Also see Three Plus Putts Percent Per Round.
