Percent of Misses is a set of statistics that show the percentage of each miss type our of the total number of missed approach shots. The miss types for approach shots are:
- Short Sided
- Long Sided
- Miss Left
- Miss Right
- Miss Short
- Miss Long
Consider the following approach shots included in a report:
Shots | Shot 1 | Shot 2 | Shot 3 | Shot 4 | Shot 5 | Shot 6 |
Results | Miss Left | Hit | Miss Right | Miss Left | Fringe | Miss Left |
These shots would produce the following statistics for Percent of Misses:
- Miss Left: 75% = (3 Miss Left ÷ 4 total misses)
- Miss Right: 25% = (1 Miss Right ÷ 4 total misses)
Percent of Misses shows the percent out of total missed shots (4 in this case) and not total shots (6 in this case). Fringe is considered a hit in Golf Stat Lab, so it is not included in these statistics.
Percent of Misses can be found on the Approach Report in the Approach Accuracy section.